Government Consulting

Reach more people

You keep reaching for the people your programs are designed to serve. Whether you're looking to expand your reach or train a talented workforce, your mission is our mission.

Continuous Improvement Methodology

BRIDGES, our exlusive Continuous Improvement methodology, helps reduce errors and strengthen connections in communications. We evaluate your communication on 7 important dimensions. Then we help you build BRIDGES to connect with those you want to reach.

Research Services

Expand access to programs, research, and resources through our specialized research support and BRIDGES Continuous Improvement approach.

Workforce Development

Our Courses + Action process provides practitioners with information, tools and experiential learning. Ready-made or customized online courses available on topics including:


“I work with many medical students through community engaged research, and one of their biggest challenges is learning how to convey complex health information to patients in ways that help them manage their disease or overcome their health challenge. The problem is that it is really hard to get through to a patient a) if they don't understand you and b) if they don't think you respect them or genuinely care about them (which is often hard to convey in a very short appointment)--so your holistic approach to addressing patient communication is groundbreaking. It gets those of us in the medical community thinking in terms of bi-directional communications.”

–Carole Hutchinson Ph.D., Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University

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